Questions asked in a Google Interview

HR Interview Questions:
1.Why do you wawnt to work for Google?
2.Why are you a good fit for the role?
3.How would you describe yourself?
4.What's your biggest achivement to date?
5.What is your favorite Google profuct and how would you improve it?
6.What would you do if your coworker was constantly rude to her clien on the phone?
7.When you type on your browser what happens?
8.How do you handle feedback?
9.Do you have any suggestions for our product?

Technical Questions:
1.Wich is your favorite programming language and what do you not like about it?
2.Tell me everything you know about hash tables.
3.How does Traceroute network diagnostic tool work?
4.How would you create an algorithm to verify whether a number is prime or not?
5.Imagine you were creating a search engine for events,how would you go about it?
6.Explain Linux virtual memory
7.What kind of software are you interested in developing?
8.Describe how Dijkstra's algorithm works.
9.How would you build a product like YouTube?
10.What was the hardest bug to solve in a project that you worked on?
11.How would you implement a thread-safe LRU cache?
12.How would you find the longest substring wich contains only two unique charachters?

Non-technical questionss:
1.How would you increase Google's revenue?
2.How would you handle a request from your boss that clearly violates company policy?
3.Wich traits differentiate a manager from a leader?How do you rank yourself on each?
4.Tell me about a situation when you had to use your analytical skills.
5.How would you prioritise a large book of clients in a short amount of time?
6.How would you launch a product like local search?What are the considerations and risks?How would you elicit the support of partners?How would you check for fraud?

Answer these easy questions on the comments bellow!
Q1.Mention what is the weight of the empire state building?
Q2.Some months have 30 days,some have 31,how many have 28 days?
Q3.What number comes next 10,9,60,90,70 and 66? 


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