How to become a great Programmer?
Programming is such a job that is the bacbone of the IT sector.Programming is the soul of all websites and apps that function on the internet.It is a widely loved career option across the world.If you are also looking forward to a career in programming,then the technology world welcomes you.You can use the following tips wich helped me to become a better programmer.
To become a programmer,the firsst and most important thing that you should keep in your mind is that is your language.Coding is all about language.There are a lot of conding languages but you should pick the one wich suits you the most.You should choose the language wich will help you achive your goal.You can select from the most popular and preferd coding languages.Such as java,c++,python and many more.This will help you a lot to achiving your goal of becoming a better programmer.
2.Set your goal!
The other important step to becoming a better programmer is that you should set a goal.This goal must be realistic and can be achivided in a minimum frame of time.For example you can set your goal to create a video game,website creator,developer etc.The goal should be as your choice and dream of using programming.Your goal will help you in staying determined.And also keep you motivated so you can stay in the right track.So go ahead set a goal and start grinding
3·Work for your goal
The next step after setting your goal is working for it.You have to decide the language then work on learning the skill.Also have fun in the process,this is important.We have provided some codding lessons on our website,but if you seek for more knowledge you can check on the internet.There are a lot of free courses wich you can learn a lot from them,or even on YouTube.
4.Do small projects
Another important step is that after you get your skill you need pracitcal knowledge.So what I am basically saying is that the theory wich you learn,you should put that in practice as well.You can take up small projects wich will help you understand the industry.This small projects will show you your strength and weakneses.Wich is a good thing beacuse that is how you get better.You learn from your own mistakes.
5.Online coding exams
To all of my fellow programmers out there.There are a lot of websites wich do programming tests.And I suggest that you take them,they will help you a lot.Beacuse you can see your mistakes and focus on you weaker areas,and also prepare you for the market.What does the industry want and a lot more
6.Practice,practice and practice!
The most crual step to becoming a better programmer is a continus practice.I am sure you have the quote"Practice makes Perfect!".You should never give up if you want to be the best!Keep in mind that this porgramming job is not a piece of cake.There are many like you(thousands) to compete with you.So go ahead and practice and show to them who is the best programmer
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