Why all of the browsers are free?
1.What is a browser?
A web browser is a software application,when a user requests a web page from a paricular website,the web browser retrieves the nessecary content from a web server and then displays the page on the screen
2.Mozilla Firefox earnings
Mozilla firefox is heavily sponsored by google,95% of the earnings come from the donations.Google pays them 562 million dollars for having them as their default search engine.
3.Apple and Safari
Google pays 12 BILLION Dollars to Apple,so they make Google as the default search engine in safari
4.Google chrome earnings
-Chrome uses Google as Default search enging.
-The ads wich you actually see,are resulted first page!
-Google suit apps premium services like extra storage
5.Microsoft Edge earning
-Microsoft Edge is heavily sponsored by Bing
-Microsoft Edge earns money by Bing search result ads
-Currently around the globe 4.5% of people use Microsoft Edge daily
6.Opera earnings
Opera earns money from speeddial sponsors like ebay
Globally 64% of the people around the globe use Internet Explorer to Download another Browser
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