Cool facts about Java

Fact 2:Java was made by an accident.Around the year 1992,James Gosling was working at the Sun Labs.He and his team at the time were building a set-top box wich is started by "cleaning up" the C++ and they ended all ended up with a new language.Wich was called Java or Oak
Fact 3:Java is a free from the concept of Pointer as adding pointer to Java language.It would compromise the security and the robustness,making this language more complex.
Fact 4:In Java,The meaning of Final keword is not final.I know you are asking yourself how and why?Well beacuse it has different meanings in Java.It can be Final class,Final method,Final variable and Final Field
Fact 5:Java is used by 95% of the enterpries as their primary language.It is used much more than other languages such as C++,Python etc.
Fact 6:In one year Java gets downloaded on billion times.
Fact 7:A Java developer's median salary is 83,975.00$.It pays to be a Java developer!
Fact 8:Today,Java rationally runs on more than 1 billion devices.As the Android operating system of Google uses Java API-s
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