6 Reasons I Like Java

1.Object-oriented programming language.
Java is an object oriented languag.This allows you to model,desing your code in a way that closely relates to the real world.

2.Performance-Java has an awesome performance,and with newer compliers and JYMs is getting better every year.

3.Developer Community.The size of the developer community matters for any programming language to survive and grow.The larger the programming comunity is,the more support and help you'd be likely to get.As soon as you start learning any programming language,youll face many difficulties and issues to understand different thjings and at that point,you'd realize how blissful a strong community of developers is.Moreover,the bigger the community,the more people will be developing useful tools and libraries to make developmet in that particular programming language easy and fast.

4.Free development tools.Cost of the development tools for any programming langauge is an important factor  behind its usage and popularity.The more free development tools available,the more people will use them to learn and develop useful resources.Since Java is itself free and open-source,almost all of its development tools are either free to download or open source.As a example Eclipse,Netbeans etc.

5.Rich programming API.Another important reason to learn Java is that it's very rich API.It offers everything you need to write a succesful program whether it is utilities,XML parsing or database connections.And time handling or anything else you may need.Moreover,there are tens of thousands of Java open-source libraries like Apache Commons,Spring MVC,Hibernate etc.That provides everyhting that is left in the official API.

6.Platfrom Independent."Write once runs Everywhere"is what Java promotes.Java is a platform independet that esssentially means that regardless of wich platform you use to code and test your Java application,it will work everywhere.This i sone of the reasons behind Java succes as a programming language.

Why do you like Java?? Let me know in the comments!


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